Covid Sampling

24th April 2021 was an exciting day for all teams as GRT-INSPIRED became a live project. Fieldworkers took to the field, signalling our first step outside of planning rooms and Covid lockdowns.
Despite the rainy weather and slippery footing, all fieldworkers were in good spirits ready for the day. The teams have to complete a Covid 19 survey and draw bloods for a seroprevalence study in partnership with NICD and CDC. In the first week (of 3 days,) the UP team had completed 67 surveys and collected 80 blood samples, and well done for this excellent achievement.
Overall to date we have completed 241 surveys and 289 blood samples, although we have faced many challenges we will continue to work together and reach our goals. Fieldwork is the heart of any good research project, and GRT INSPIRED relies heavily on the commitment, know how and expertise of all our fieldworkers, who we salute!