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Astrophysics and Astronomy

The thematic area of astrophysics and astronomy finds its direction in key opportunities identified for collaboration, such as maximising the use of next-generation South African and international telescopes; synergies in tackling astrophysics Big Data challenges; and jointly enhancing world-class postgraduate training for tomorrow’s global leaders in astrophysics research.

Key collaborative focus areas are multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astrophysics with large-scale cutting-edge scientific infrastructure. The astroGRT partners play roles in a wide range of international telescope consortia, including MeerKAT and the Square Kilometre Array, HESS and the Cherenkov Telescope Array, as well as the Southern African Large Telecope, amongst many others. The astroGRT provides a framework where contributions to national and global astrophysics research and experiments can be better leveraged from a regional perspective rather than a single institute.

The astroGRT collaboration aims to strengthen and expand the astrophysics community in Gauteng and the northern cluster of universities in South Africa, further enhancing its national and international stature.

Image credits: SARAO, Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Gabriel Pérez Diaz (IAC)/Marc-André Besel (CTAO)/ESO/ N. Risinger